Metric | Tag | Overall | Per Function |
Lines of Code | LOC | 76 | ****** |
McCabe's Cyclomatic Number | MVG | 11 | ****** |
Lines of Comment | COM | 39 | ******** |
LOC/COM | L_C | 1.949 | |
MVG/COM | M_C | 0.282 | |
Weighted Methods per Class ( weighting = unity ) | WMC1 | 6 | |
Weighted Methods per Class ( weighting = visible ) | WMCv | 2 | |
Depth of Inheritance Tree | DIT | 1 | |
Number of Children | NOC | 0 | |
Coupling between objects | CBO | 7 | |
Information Flow measure ( inclusive ) | IF4 | 0 | ******** |
Information Flow measure ( visible ) | IF4v | 0 | ******** |
Information Flow measure ( concrete ) | IF4c | 0 | ******** |
Description | LOC | MVG | COM | L_C | M_C |
./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:54 |
9 | 0 | 19 | ------ | ------ |
Function prototype | LOC | MVG | COM | L_C | M_C |
RepetitionDevice( int, int, bool ) definition ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:290 declaration ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:84 | 14 | 1 | 6 | ------ | ------ |
TimerCallback( Uint32, void * ) definition ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:313 declaration ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:108 | 9 | 1 | 3 | ------ | ------ |
getDelay( ) definition ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:341 declaration ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:96 | 5 | 1 | 2 | ------ | ------ |
handleEvent( SDL_Event & ) definition ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:346 declaration ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:109 | 16 | 5 | 2 | ------ | 2.500 |
switchOn( InputDevice *, InputDevice *, const DimeKey &, InputSignalType ) definition ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:325 declaration ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:74 | 15 | 2 | 4 | ------ | ------ |
~RepetitionDevice( ) definition ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:305 declaration ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:90 | 8 | 1 | 3 | ------ | ------ |
Clients | Suppliers |
DimeKey [V] pass by reference ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:326 pass by reference ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:75 InputDevice [CV] pass by reference ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:325 pass by reference ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:325 inheritance ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:54 pass by reference ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:74 pass by reference ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:74 Object [CV] inheritance ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:54 SDL_Event [V] pass by reference ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:346 pass by reference ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:109 SDL_TimerID [C] has by value ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:62 Uint32 [CV] pass by value ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:313 pass by value ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:108 bool [CV] pass by value ./services/input/InputDevice.cpp:291 pass by value ./services/input/RepetitionDevice.h:85 |